Specializing in Sisterlocks™ & Interlocks​
Specializing in Sisterlocks™ & Interlocks​

Sisterlocks and Interlocks Education
Sisterlocks and Interlocks Education
Let us help you maintain the integrity of your locks, as well as your grid. When both of these factors are on point, your styles will be most attractive. AND You'll have styling options galore! The first 6-12 months of your lock journey will be crucial! Your special attention during this timeframe, will aid your hair's locking pattern(s) to mature/lock sooner than later. The below instructions will help ensure your happy lock journey and healthy locks.
Washing Your Locks
Wash your locks as often as every 1.5-2 weeks or as directed by your SL Consultant. Washing your locks is important for lock and scalp health. For the first 6 months, Braid and Band your locks before each wash to protect your locks from unraveling at the tips and slipping at the root. Let your hair completely dry, then undo the braids... (Undoing the braids with wet hair could damage your locks.) You'll love your braidout style! Talk to your SL Consultant for a tutorial on this washing method.
After the first 6 months has ended, consult with your SL Consultant, to determine the next shampoo to use. Sisterlocksâ„¢ Products are great for both SL & IL clients - they don't cause product build up and they tend to open hair cuticles, aiding faster lock maturation.
Combing Your Locks
Loose hair and/or New Growth naturally wants to lock. Locks must be separated after each wash to prevent them from binding/joining together. Consult with your SL Consultant/Trainee for this method of "combing your locks". Not doing this or doing this after multiple washes, may cause lock damage and lock maturation to slow.
Keep Up With Your Retightenings to avoid lock/grid damage... Sisterlocks clients must wait no longer than 4-8 weeks for retights, and retighten no sooner than every 3 weeks. Interlocks clients can wait longer periods of time, depending on their lock sizes and hair type. Most clients with fully mature locks are able to wait 6-8 weeks btwn retights. Consult with your SL Consultant to determine the state of your locks and her/his recommended timeframe for your retights.
Do NOT retighten, or allow others to retighten, your locks too tightly, too often, or too close to the scalp - this could damage your locks, as well as your scalp/grid. All locks swell after styling and retightenings; give them room to do so. Please consult with your SL Consultant, if you think your locks are being retightened too tightly. Sisterlocksâ„¢ and Interlocks are hair locking systems generally used on natural hair. These styles in themselves, if properly maintained, will be beautiful! Attempting a "permed hair look" around your edges may damage your locks, grid and/or scalp. This applies to hair styles in general, not just locks.
Products To Use
NO locking agents are needed for Sisterlocks and Interlocks! Locking agents, such as wax and gel, will inhibit the locking process. Do Not apply conditioners, oils, creams, or moisturizers (other than water) on your locks - these products are not needed, unless otherwise recommended/directed by your SL Consultant.
Consult with your SL Consultant, if you have concerns/questions about your locks or scalp health. Clean and Healthly Locks will lock within 1-2 years (sometimes sooner) depending on the hair type and texture.
Excessive Moisture
Moisture helps your locks to lock, but excessive moisture will unlock/damage your locks. Spritzing your locks with water or other products btwn washes may damage your locks, especially while they are maturing. Avoid Excessive Moisture, especially within the first year of your lock journey - Swimming, Rain, Shower Down-pour (use a shower cap), etc.
Dye/Color/Lifts for Locks
Client Beware!! Color/Lifts tend to cause lock damage; generally repairable. Excessive coloring will cause your hair to dry out, break off, and /or thin. Definitely avoid this practice within the first year of your lock journey. Then proceed cautiously/sparingly, as it can possibly change your curl pattern or hair texture. Consult with your SL Consultant before and after applying dyes/lifts/colors.
Sisterlocksâ„¢ Lock Stages... A Must Read! written by Almocado

Sisterlocks Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is sisterlocks(tm)?
A: It is a natural hair management system that allows women, men, and children with tightly textured hair to take advantage of a wide range of today's hairstyles without having to alter the natural texture of their hair.
Q. Does this mean that once I get Sisterlocks (tm) , I can still change hairstyles?
A. Yes! They are a lot less limiting than extensions because it is your natural hair. You can curl it, braid it, wear a ponytail, cut it, spray or mousse it, wear bangs and parts -- You name it.
Q: How long does it take to do?
A: The initial locking process takes about two thirds as long as getting extensions of comparable size. Generally, 15 - 20 hours or so, depending on the length of your hair. The beauty of Sisterlocksâ„¢ is that retightening them as your hair grows out is extremely simple since there are no extensions to remove and re-set.
Q:Will Sisterlocksâ„¢ cause my hair to break or thin?
A: Just the opposite! Sisterlocksâ„¢ is a gentle technique that requires no chemicals, no excessive tightening, and causes no damaging abrasion to the hair or scalp. You will find that with regular care, your locks will grow and grow, and your styling options will increase.
A: Yes, though the transition will take more time. Your hair care professional who is trained in Sisterlocks™ techniques can help you make that transition. Your styling options will increase as your natural texture grows out. All you need is 1 ½ inches of natural hair to get started with Sisterlocks™.
Q: Do I need to have 'fine' hair for Sisterlocksâ„¢ to work?
A: Not at all! In fact, the course, thick 'nappy' hair is best for Sisterlocksâ„¢. Your natural abundant texture adds body and makes styling easier.
Q: Can Sisterlocksâ„¢ be taken out?
A; Yes, though the procedure is tedious. Anyway, once you discover the range of freedom with Sisterlocksâ„¢, you won't want to go back! Finally, there is a way of celebrating the natural beauty of our hair with Sisterlocksâ„¢.
Q: Can I do the locks myself?
A: This is not advised. Not all hair types require the same locking technique, and your hair care professional is the best trained to give you locks that will be best suited to you. Also, hair care professionals are trained to give you cuts, styles, and grooming tips that will ensure the lasting beauty of your locks.